Intimacy lives in the tension. 

It is the drive to get your own needs met and the drive to ensure your lovers needs get met... love both covers your lovers vulnerabilities and calls out their inadequacies... love accommodates and demands growth. 

The beauty of loving tension is that it has something powerful residing within it... energy. 

You do not get to choose when that energy will get released from the tension... you do get to choose whether it will be intelligent creative empowering energy or blind destructive destroying energy... it comes down to your personal intent... to rise and empower or to control and manipulate?

When two lovers stand right in the middle of their relational tensions and extend themselves to invest in their own highest best and the highest best of the other... a powerful astonishing energy is released...  it is named and known as INTIMACY! 

And intimacy is a key is to building deep TRUST between lovers... and TRUST is the solid foundation value for those of The Tribe of  Dynamic Lifers!

Please Be Aware 

That Some Published Content 

Is Of An Intimate Nature. 

Can You Have A “Ladies Man” As a Loyal Loving Partner? By Ange Fonce

Posted by ANGE FONCE on Sunday, February 8, 2015 Under: DYNAMIC RELATIONSHIPS For Men & Women

Can You Have A “Ladies Man” As a Loyal Loving Partner? 

By Ange Fonce

I think it is important to mention at the outset of this article...that I am in no way RECOMMENDING that you spend your time trying to “convert the players” of the world while there are plenty of "emotionally mature" men to choose from.

What makes these men interesting and worth taking a look at... is “decoding the motivations”... that make it impossible for them to stick with “sexual fidelity”... and “loyalty” to a female partner... and then root out what that means about men in general... and your relationships.

Players are unfaithful to women because of their need for “validation.”

These are men who are good at “seducing” women... usually they are very handsome... often very charming... or sometimes they are men with a very uncommon amount of money or power... and use those qualities to "wow" the women they go after.

Yet... there is will always be another side of them that is powerfully “insecure”...

About their job

About their relationships with peers or other men

About their education or intelligence

About their own fitness as a long term partner

And... almost universally... if you sit and talk to a "player"... you will discover that they had a father who was impossible to please...  they were never "good enough"...  because of this... they feel that their “masculinity” was never “validated”... and the clearest path to "masculine validation”.... to being a MAN in our biological wiring is through sex.

Of course many men transcend their biological impulse... I call that Masculine Maturity. 

If you predicted... based on all of this... that a man is more likely to be “dis loyal”... when his “male pride”... takes a hit... you would be 90% correct... a man is much more likely to seek out “extra marital romance”...  if he has lost his job... feels... “marginalized at work”... or in his “family”... or is feeling “emasculated” by age... often called the “mid life crisis.”

Now Here Is The REAL BIG NEWS... 

What will almost "guarantee" that any man will "cheat" and be "dis loyal" to the woman he is with... or “getting” with... is when he feels “marginalized”... or “emasculated” by YOU... his lover and partner... especially sexually.

Now of course there are “men of integrity”... who would not “cheat”... or be “dis loyal” under any circumstances... if in the case above... he feels “marginalized”... or “emasculated” by YOU...  he will simply "exit the relationship" first and seek sexual satisfaction and “enjoy” other women... elsewhere afterwards... because he no longer "enjoys"... being with YOU!

I think you can begin to see the lessons you can learn by studying what makes a man a "player" and especially in figuring out why such a man might change his ways... so can a “player”... finally settle down because he found a woman that met his "sexual appetites and tastes... ?"

Here is the CRUCIAL part... 

Players often have MANY women in their lives that meet that description... what ultimately makes the difference for a man who is a player... to a man who will be “loyal”... is meeting a woman who ACCEPTS him... as HE IS... and this goes for the VAST majority of men too... players and none players alike.

For a man... this feeling of not being “judged”... of feeling that it is okay to be himself... even the parts that include calling breasts jugs... or finding schoolgirl uniforms a turn-on... is a “deeply positive experience"... for him... the feeling of being “totally accepted” and free to be yourself... especially from the woman who you are crazy about... is the kind of “powerful validation” that can help a man find his “internal centre”... so that he no longer NEEDS that “sexual validation” from the outside.

I have a male friend... and I name no names here... who was most certainly a “ladies man”... then he meet a woman who was divorced... very attractive and had two children from her previous relationship... well he “charmed" her... as was his way... then I noticed he started to change... and the day he sat in my office and said to me...

“Ange... I am going to marry this woman.”

To say... I blinked... more than once... would be an understatement... ten years later plus three children of his own with her... he still totally "adores" her now.... as he did back then... what did she do... to WIN him?

Read On... Important Note Here...

There is a world of difference between giving a man "acceptance" and making him feel comfortable to be himself... and just giving him everything he wants... there is nothing wrong with telling a man "no" if he wants something that you do not feel comfortable with... the question of HOW you say "no" is very important though... an insecure woman will say... 

"No... because you are sick to want that."

"No... and can you please explain to me why an adult man would want such a thing?"

She is threatened by his desire... and threatened by her own unwillingness to give him what he wants... will he go get it some place else now?

And so she needs to justify her "no"....  she needs him to see that she is RIGHT.

In the case of my friend and his now wife... there are many things that he has asked for that she has had to say "no" to... including sexual things.... yet... he is absolutely “committed” and “loyal” to her... “adores” her and will not stray... why?

Because he considers her... his BEST FRIEND.

And the reason for that is because he feels UNDERSTOOD and ACCEPTED for who he is... she has never  made him WRONG for his desires... and NEVER tried to CHANGE him... so obviously compatibility plays a part here.

Now... in your own relationships... is there any place where this idea of accepting a man... even when the answer is "no"... could bring more love and better sexual chemistry?

Of course... and to be fair... women want "acceptance" too.

A woman wants to be able to express her “sexuality” without being labelled “easy”... and she wants to be able to withhold her sexuality at times without being labelled “frigid”... even if either of these positions disappoints her man... and this is not a game of... 

"I will only like you if you like me first."

Acceptance and “understanding” is a gift that can only be given or withheld by the giver... and It is always yours to give... and it is one of the most “desirable qualities” in a partner... both in and out of the bedroom.

And, yes... from my own personal and professional experience...  I feel it is one of the fundamental keys to insuring your partners “sexual fidelity”... and “loyalty”... for a lifetime.

Trusting... "loving"... “understanding” and “accepting”... he or she as they are... not as you want them to be... is the “key” to opening up real “intimacy” in a relationship. 

As always... leave a man or woman all the better for knowing you.

Masculine Men and Feminine Women know and are the EXCEPTIONS!

They are truly Passionate and DYNAMIC Lovers!

Yours Sincerely

Ange Fonce


Are You Asking The Right Questions When Social Courting With Men About Commitment? 

By Ange Fonce

What would happen if you had some “insider tips” to help you when you are “Social Courting” as a woman to find a committed partner?

First though I have to ask you a question...

Are you ready for a committed relationship? 

As a woman... are you finding it challenging to find a man who wants to enjoy a “committed relationship”... and are you getting what you desire from it... even when you a...

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How To Build The Exclusive Relationship You Want With A Man 

By Ange Fonce

If a man has not talked about being "exclusive" with you yet... then he is still in the "courting" phase with you.

The truth is that most men or most high quality men enjoy "courting" and will not rush into exclusivity or a long term commitment. 

That is unless you know how to talk to a man about becoming exclusive, and you know how to make a smooth transition into a committed relationship without scaring him away by coming ...

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12 Ways To Build A Healthier More Intimate And Loving Relationship 

By Ange Fonce

So you want your relationship to be amazing?

Then know that this does not just happen and takes work... planning... cooperation... personal investment... respect and mutual understanding! 

Great relationships need to be tendered... nurtured and invested into... even when you sometimes feel like doing the opposite.

Here are 12 ways that your relationship... when practised and invested by both partners will greatly nurtu...

Continue reading...

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Tags: ange fonce  women  men  flirting  sex  emotional attraction  love  intimacy  relationships  dating  feminine  courting  sexual chemistry  social courting  commitment  seduction  erotic 

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The Tribe of Dynamic Lifers


Gender Education and Sexual Awareness is about improving  "Intimate and loving relationships" as one very powerful way to cultivate "getting-each-other-ness"

I am committed to the possibility of men and women really "getting" each other... I do not go with the view that you need to hide any aspect of yourself... your truth and who you really are in the world. 

When you cultivate the courage to really BE yourself and say what you mean... to your friends... your family... your boss and your lover you become incredibly POWERFUL in your life. 

The secret sauce is being ready and willing to accept others regardless if they agree with your perspective on what is  right or wrong. 

I have seen over and over again that this is the master key to...

Great sexual relationships .... deep love... commitment and trust... general happiness and contentment with life and being the SUCCESS you want to be!

Because intimacy depends upon you sharing exactly who you are - which means sharing exactly how you feel no matter how ugly you think those feelings to be... it all starts with being Truthful and Authentic  as YOU.

It is beautiful when you find someone that is in love with your mind, the essence of you... someone who takes the time to undress and appreciate your conscience and make love with your thoughts... someone that wants to help you slowly take down the walls you have built up around your heart and let them inside to share "intimacy" with you and you alone. 

To love all your vulnerabilities in embracing you... that is "Intimate Communion". ~ Ange Fonce



In Intimate Communion

"Spirituality is a Divine Gift... Sexuality is a Divine Gift... They may together be called... Intimate Communion.

The Art of Loving maybe the ultimate gift... to connect the Mind... and Body... the absolute in non-denial." ~ Ange Fonce

People who regularly experience pleasure tend to be more happy... and are almost certainly a lot nicer to be around... sex is one of the healthiest... and most beautiful ways to experience pleasure.

A committed long-term relationship legitimises sex... and offers the needed safety... and security to help you open to the many delights of sexual pleasure.

Sacred sexuality practices such as Tantric and Taoist sex offer the further possibility of elevating your relationship to become a spiritual practice,.. thus reuniting sex and spirit.

In this way it is possible to set your self free by celebrating your body rather than denying it.


"Women are Highly Sexual creatures...  women crave really good SEX and for many women... really good sex is rare to find.

Sometimes they have it... and do not realize how rare it is until later... once a woman has experienced it with a Masculine Lover nothing else will do... she will always crave it... period. 

Woman make the investment to make Sex better and they are frustrated when their man is not willing to do the same... giving a woman an orgasm is not the "goal"... it is the very  minimum requirement... it is the BEGINNING!" ~ Ange Fonce


Do not think about getting sex... instead think about giving really GOOD Sex! 

There is certainly opportunity there... that is the correct intent and motivation  to bring out the decadent... primal... carnal... insatiable... hungry... ruthlessly... expressive... natural sexual being in you... that drive will do the rest!

The Tribe of Dynamic Lifers 



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