Masculinity does not come For FREE.
You have To Earn your Masculinity and Develop Your Manhood.

Would you ever know or expect that a stolen car radio could change someone's life for the better?

I am about to tell you how this happened.

First, let me ask you a question... 

Do you like getting things for "free"?

I like getting gifts on occasion, that is for sure, but those are different. 

They have meaning attached to them because someone gave it from their good will and friendship with me.

What I am talking about is when you get something for doing nothing at all. 

It just falls into your lap.

If you are an honest man, you sometimes feel like when you get something for nothing, you DESERVE it. 

After all, there is so many times in life that you get ripped off, this feels like the right compensation, doesn't it?

But do you ever notice than when you get something for free, it just does not have that same feeling or value as something you have worked for and EARNED?

Let me tell you a really quick story. 

I call this my "radio moment."

Back when I was about 26 years old, I remember being in my apartment one night with a stack of stolen car stereos my girlfriend's brother had just passed along to me. 

I was trying to choose which one I wanted, trying them all out, seeing which one would work in my car, which had the coolest features, etc. 

Basically any one of these that I wanted were mine.

For nothing.

What a bargain... after all, I had not stolen any of them, right?

And then it hit me, just like the crack of a whip. 

I realized something then that changed my life in a BIG way and put me on a path to growing in my "Masculinity" - not just with women but with everything in my life.

My realization was this... 

If I keep on this path, I will be a loser the rest of my life. 

Here I am with a stack of stolen goods, and I almost thought it was okay to take one of them.

I will be the one that is trying to get something for nothing, avoiding the cost of life instead of investing MYSELF in it. 

I was giving up my honour and self-respect as a Man to satisfy my own personal greed.

I was crippling my own ability to grow as an AUTHENTIC MAN.

The next day I gave all the radios back and went down to a car factors, that sold car radio's. 

I plunked down a good many pounds for a nice Sony radio/cassette system (CD's did not exist back then.)

I have never looked back since that day. 

Sure it hurt my bank account a bit, but I felt a pride of ownership in that stereo that I could not have had if I did not pay for it myself, from my own hard-earned money.

My girlfriend at that time thought I was totally nuts.

BIG RED FLAG I missed at that time in her which would come back to hunt me later on in life. 

However that is another story.

This is what those people who try to get things for free, and the men that never invest in themselves never get to understand. 

Of course it's fine to accept an occasional gift or win something, but do not DEPEND or EXPECT on getting things for nothing.

Your Masculinity has to be earned.

It takes EFFORT to achieve anything of worth in life. 

Just like the teenage guy that is given a car for his birthday and trashes it in a month, you can never appreciate what you have enough to actually USE it the right way.

There is a "Right of Passage" in Masculinity that has been around a long, long, long time. 

I did not write it, but it's the most immutable law of all in becoming a MAN!

You cannot appreciate or truly benefit from something that you have not earned in some way.

Whether that is monetarily or with PERSONAL EFFORT. 

That is a very "challenging" aspect of Dynamic Life Development Coaching which I created on purpose to benefit those willing to "invest" genuine energy and time in developing themselves.

Think about everything in life that you ever got for nothing and what happened to it in the end. 

Did you "value" it?

Contrast that with anything that you paid for with your blood, sweat, tears and effort you strived for to acquire and achieved.

That is what gives YOUR life MEANING!

And I am prepared to say...You VALUED it.

Look, I am not going to sit here and blow smoke up your arse and tell you things you would LIKE to think are true if they are not true.

I am not going to tell you that going in with your heart wide open instead of your head on straight is really going to get you more women or success in your life.

As you have heard me say a many times before in my articles... 

Life does not work that way!

Most guys get hurt by this because they do not understand how we as men are to interact with women's feminity to enjoy a healthy relationship with women.

How to interact with other Men for Success!

I would love we did live in a world where you could just walk up to a beautiful woman, tell her you find her attractive, and she would smile and appreciate it.

Where you can be "cool" with a guy and he does not feel threatened by you.

Some will, but a lot won't. 

Most women will dismiss you (subconsciously) as a guy who is trying to con her in some way so you can get in bed with her. 

She can't help it.

Yep the end game for healthy men and women is sex.

But the sad fact is that there are a LOT of QUALITY women that respond with shields like this to keep away the half men of the world.

I call this Unintentional Blocking.

If there was a sign for this, it would be one middle finger jammed into the palm of the other hand.

And the fact is that you do not want to miss out on the potential company of these women by dismissing them right away as bitches. 

It is worth your while to navigate beyond the first few obstacles she throws your way.

But do you know HOW to get past them?

Do you know WHAT to say to overcome them?

Do you know where those words need to come from to be authentic and congruent?

Do you know how to project your Masculinity in a way that a woman's Femininity will FEEL you and feel safe with you?

I am going to tell you something that will shed some light on this.

First of all, recognize this...


Human beings are incapable of interacting on a level of pure "truth and honesty" as some people would have you think. 

And I will give you links to articles I have wrote on the subject.

Both men and women have evolved to decive.

It ensures our SURVIVAL as a species.

I am actually not being cynical or negative here. 

I think it is pretty cool that we get to have the fun of interacting with something other than surface meanings, because it gives our personalities more shades than just "black & white."

Men and Women are shades of gray. 

They won't just tell you the truth, and you WON'T be rewarded by being all up-front and "straightforward" with people.


They deal purely in the realm of "shades of gray" and unless you know how to function here, you will be eaten for lunch and spit right back out.

The most important thing you can do with women when you interact with them is to present yourself with the highest possible social value.

Be authentic and straight forward when presenting yourself as a confident and assertive Masculine Man. 

Be honest with your heart, but don't turn vulnerability into a liability.

THAT is how you impress a woman. 

Not by trying to flatter her into going on a date with you, or otherwise buying her affections.

Your presentation of yourself is the ONLY thing you can control.


Your MASCULINITY that is Authentic and Trustworthy.

That is the only constant in your life, and it is up to you to start there. 

Because ultimately that is going to be the one thing in common no matter who you meet or what you say. 

Like the saying goes, "No matter where you go, there you are!"

You see, all this talk about what is important with a woman (i.e., wealth, fame, power, etc.) is all made obsolete when a man can present himself with the power and authority of his own high self-confidence and solid masculinity.

That's IT!

None of this looking into the "third eye" stuff, or mystic formulas or "silver bullets."

You need to know the CONCRETE and SPECIFIC areas to improve and complete your own inner self esteem before you go into the whole sexual - relationship energy with a woman.

And it has been my experience that when men try and get too metaphysical, they start losing their masculinity in the process. 

They begin to second-guess mother nature and the built-in programming a woman has in her brian for what attracts her.

In simpler terms, you need a strong foundation for your house if you want it to withstand the quakes of a woman's tests. 

And she will test you because a part of her needs to know if you are "for real" or not. 

Or maybe just some guy who studied a lame pick up book or program on how to get laid.

If you have ever tried any kind of hokey hypnotic crap or "patterns," or "trance words," and she has seen right through you, you understand deep inside that there is really something else that is missing, and this is why those dumb short cuts never work.

And guys the only way to develop this foundation is by investing your energy into developing YOURSELF.

I think you probably already suspected this was how it worked, didn't you?

Now I want to give you your own "radio moment."

This is YOUR opportunity to make a decision to step off the endless treadmill of seeking the quick "free" formula to get you what you want in your life.

You can make a decision right now to DO something to get where you want to go in life. 

And it is not just about women, because when you get the rest of your life straight, they will be in line for you, too.

Masculinity starts from the INSIDE out.

Someone once said that the way to happiness is to learn how to want what you already HAVE. 

It is well worth your time to INVEST in you.

There really is "NO FREEBIES" in this life. 

The MEN who SUCCEED in this life are the Men who INVEST in themselves and GROW their MASCULINITY!

Are YOU such a Man?

As ever...Always leave a man or a woman all the better for knowing you. 

Average men and women know only the rules. 

Masculine Men and Feminine Women know and are the EXCEPTIONS!

For Love, Passion and Intimacy...

Ange Fonce


How Your Masculine Attitude And Essence Attracts Great Women.

I'm going to reveal the single most powerful thing you can demonstrate with your personality and masculinity to get any woman interested in you. It's so important that I constantly mention this in articles I publish for men (and women).

Have you ever noticed how we guys love to rate things?

We love to give something a grade or a rating.

"She's a 10!"

"Two thumbs up!"

"I gave her an 'A' for effort..."

"He'll never make it to first base"......

Continue reading ...

How a woman knows if you're confident or not? 

5 Confidence Signals That Say ..YES!   

I will start this article with a question from a male reader of "INTIMATE COMMUNION"Bill who asks me as to why women keep blowing him off and giving him excuses and he ends up in the "friends zone".

And as a guy who has my self experienced the "friends zone" along with many other men. Knows just how much it SUCKS to end up being blown of by a woman.

But the REALITY is that 90% of the time it is us guys who ar... 
Continue reading ...

Truths About Women Lying In Relationships (And Men too) 
And "Why" We Need To "Lie"

Most people you have known (both male and female) consider lying in relationships to be a very bad thing. 

As a result, they rank honesty very highly on their "must have" list when deciding what personal traits they require in a prospective mate.

The chances are good that this would describe you as well. 

But do you really want a totally honest relationship? 

Are you sure? 

You may think you do, but think on this one...

Continue reading ...

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