Many Women might not be consciously aware of it... what they truly desire... what they NEED in fact... is a Masculine Man... this is basic human biology... the way it has been for thousands of years. The Feminine Woman fully celebrates her Femininity... Sexuality... and Intelligence with Confidence...  and Truly knows what She wants to be in the world... and the Qualities she desires... and admires in a Man!

Showing category "Social Courting For Women" (Show all posts)

What To Do If He Has Rejected You How Do You Deal With Rejection?

Posted by ANGE FONCE on Thursday, July 17, 2014, In : Social Courting For Women 

What To Do If He Has Rejected You How Do You Deal With Rejection? 

By Ange Fonce

If you are devastated because a man you have fallen for has rejected you in some way... I want to help you with a PLAN.

The best way to do what is right for yourself... and in the process change your... "vibe"... so radically that he cannot help... sit up... and NOTICE... a woman with such confidence... and inner beauty that a man cannot RESIST wanting her all to himself... and to learn how to tap into your inner Fe...

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The ONE Secret Ingredient To Attract A Great Man into Your Life Do You Know it?

Posted by ANGE FONCE on Wednesday, July 16, 2014, In : Social Courting For Women 

The ONE Secret Ingredient To Attract
A Great Man into Your Life
Do You Know it?
By Ange Fonce

Imagine if you never had to worry that the man who was so attentive... and into you would suddenly lose interest?

Imagine if you felt confident that the men you are attracting are the kind of men who are capable of loving... lasting... committed relationships... and not the kind who run away at the first sign of tension in a relationship?

Imagine if you could quickly restore the passion in a relationship...

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Copyright  2007 - 2020 Ange Fonce Publishing... All Rights Reserved


Are Men Drawn To Smart And Successful Women?

Yes... they are!

And where women... and men often diverge is that men are looking for different things... you are probably looking for a man who is smart... strong..., and successful as BASICS.

He is not.

A smart... strong,...successful man is looking for what he does not already have... what he cannot get from his work..., what he cannot get from his friends:

Warmth... compassion... kindness... generosity... and femininity.

Of course a man gets bragging rights if you are ALSO smart... and successful... and it can be a great source of pleasure for him... yet it is not what biologically triggers his attraction.

You could be a Top Scholar... Top Chef... Supermodel... yet if your man constantly feels criticized... unattractive, emasculated....  pressured... and undermined... he is not going to feel that instinct to nest with you... he is going to be looking at other options.

Men usually cannot articulate this themselves.... and what they want is to feel needed... trusted... important... masculine... sexy.... smart... and funny.

I know that you are constantly told that men are more visual... and it is all about looks.... although that may have some truth in terms of getting a first meet up... a flirt... a phone call... a click on your profile... and it is MUCH LESS IMPORTANT than even most men will admit to.

Men are about the feelings you give him, not about looks.... make him feel like a million bucks... make him feel accepted for who he is... not who you just KNOW that you can mold him into... and he is not going anywhere.

That is what I have been saying about social courting... relationships.... sexuality of keeping a good man in a committed relationship forever.

I want to share something with you

"You Don't Attract the Wrong Men. You ACCEPT The Wrong Men. You ATTRACT what You think and feel about yourself!"

What happens when you find yourself incredibly attracted to a man?

Well.... there is the feeling of chemistry... and everything that comes along with it... the obsessive highs that come with wanting to be with him,... the joy of feeling incredibly connected... and, what you may forget... the will-full blindness that allows you to overlook his flaws.

That is one of the most miraculous... and worst things about chemistry... it allows you to focus only on the good... and ignore all the bad... which is why you can have incredible chemistry with a man... and end up in a TERRIBLE relationship... where he does not call you... does not sleep with you... does not compliment you... does not make you feel safe... and does not commit to you... yet you stick around because of how strong your rare FEELINGS are... you have now discovered the real secret to why dead end relationships happen:

"You don't attract the wrong men, you accept the wrong men."

If you consistently find yourself in relationships with liars... cheaters... addicts... leeches... or commitment-phobes... your job is not to get them to stop lying... cheating... drinking... mooching... or flaking... your job is to leave.

You will never stop attracting the wrong men.... starting now you can stop ACCEPTING their bad behaviour... and save yourself years of heartbreak... and pain.

That is powerful stuff.

My entire profession is spent helping women just like you... the creme de la creme... understand... and connect with men... I UNDERSTAND how the higher standards you have... the harder it is to find a quality man who wants to commit.

So what is a Woman to do...?


What you probably do not realize is that all men are romantic... what they lack is guidance... coaching and proper feedback... once you have the skills, it is so simple to get men to show their romantic nature.

And a woman can easily suck the romantic life out of any man without even knowing what is going on... I see it happen ALL THE TIME... if your man is not as romantic as you want him to be... there is most likely something that you are doing... or not doing... that can be changed.

A woman can VERY EASILY bring out the inner romantic in her man with the right techniques... that I Coach.

There is an old adage that says... if you want to be good at meeting... and attracting a romantic partner... then you are going to need things in your life... that are more important to you than meeting... and attracting members of the opposite sex.

In Dynamic Life Development Systems... which "Social Courting" is part off...  I go into a lot of detail about how to create the kind of life that makes a woman more attractive... and confident in... and out of the bedroom by finding her purpose.

So let me tell you a little bit about MY purpose... I am committed to what I have been calling....


 I coach... and teach developing dynamic confidence as one very powerful way to create... cultivate.... and build a GREAT LIFE for yourself.

I am committed to the possibility of women really "getting"  to be themselves...  I do not go with the view that you need to hide any aspect of yourself... your truth... and who you really are in the world.

When you cultivate the courage to really BE yourself and say what you mean... to your friends... your family... your boss... and your lover... you become incredibly POWERFUL in your life... the secret sauce to this is being ready... and willing to ACCEPT others regardless of whether... or not they agree with your perspective on what is "right"... or "wrong."

I have seen over and over again that this is the master key to...

  • Great sexual relationships
  • Deep love... commitment... and trust
  • General happiness... and contentment with life... being the SUCCESS you want to be.
And that is my Personal Commitment to You!

A "Quality" Woman 

What is a "Quality" Woman and what do I mean by that anyway?

She is wise... continually deepening her heart through some kind of physical or spiritual practice.

Openly... and enthusiastically... sensual... sexual and. confident... even keeled... fun and funny...knows herself... smart and intelligent.

Who is not stuck in the wounds of the past and who brings a fresh genuine heart with her everyday.

With out blame... bitterness or anger.

Women like this are RARE and they are WORTH IT!

A "Quality" Man will pursue her until she is HIS!

Because "Like... ATTRACTS... Like"

Masculinity is always drawn to Femininity.

Do not Be Too Passive... some women feel helpless... and hopeless because few men have shown interest in them... you sit alone at home dreaming that your Prince Charming will one day knock on the door... there are many ways a woman can improve her connections with men... and make herself more appealing... you are not helpless.

Do not Be Too Aggressive... Women who come on too strong look desperate... and may scare off quality men... predatory males look for desperate women because they will do almost anything to get a guy.... learn how you can engage men without coming on too strong.   

Do not Be Naive About Men... If a woman does not understand the differences between men... and women when it comes to sex... and relationships... she will get burned... if most of your guidance for relationships comes from popular media... and peers... you are working from a position of ignorance.     

Do not Panic... Women become so fearful that they will never find a man who loves them that they abandon their convictions... and make irrational... dangerous decisions... some painful effects are immediate... while some might not surface for years.       

Do not Sleep with the Boyfriend to soon... Every woman must make her own decision... and it is a huge decision... this is the most common... and most harmful mistake... it causes an avalanche of problems... many that the woman does not anticipate.... sex with a boyfriend might seem romantic... or exhilarating... and there are hidden fangs that will cut deep... you cannot put a condom on your heart.

Being a Feminine Woman is more than knowing one strategy that fits-all... there is no such thing.... it is not black... and white... it is a lot of grey in the MATING GAME... yet it is grey that you can learn easily.

Because when you KNOW how to act.. or what to say... it must come from the HEART... and be AUTHENTIC... or a "quality man".... will see right through your act... the simple answer is that you must act with confidence... and power. 

You act like YOU... and be the strong... confident version of YOU.

The way to do that is what I teach you when working with me in my Dynamic Life Development Systems... which is far more than just... "courting"... men.

Now... are you one of those women who is tempted to play games with men to get what you want? 

The techniques and strategies I teach are not about more games... they are about how to drop them... and how to get the confidence you want in every part of your social life:... and to be AUTHENTIC as You... a DYNAMIC Feminine Woman who is ATTRACTIVE to men!


Now if you have not started learning yet I would really like to hear from you.

Yours Sincerely

Ange Fonce

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And Relationships For Women


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