If you have been going out with a man who seemed really interested at first... and then he suddenly stopped calling and initiating plans... I have some good news for you... because when a man starts to show some distant behaviour does not necessarily mean he has lost  interest in you... he just might not be feeling it for you the way you want him to... YET.

That is because men have a different emotional process when it comes to attraction and getting closer to a woman... once you know what this is and how to make a man feel attracted to you on a physical...  emotional, and intellectual level... then your  relationship with him will largely take care of itself.

Why A Man Will Stop Calling On You.

When a man does not call once you have connected in a deeper way... there are only 3 possible reasons why...

1) He does not know what to do with the connection you share because it is not the right time for him

2) He does not know what to do with the connection you share because he is not mature or capable of getting any closer

3) Something was said or done that tells him that a relationship with you is not a fit for him.

There is absolutely nothing you can do about the first two reasons... no matter how amazing you are... a man who is not ready for a relationship will not suddenly become ready or mature because of anything you do... say... or are.

And before you start thinking you may do something to "blow it" with reason number three... there is something fascinating that goes on when you are first getting to know a man that you should know about... men listen well at the beginning of relationships and will be very honest about what they are looking for and where they are at if you know how to talk to them about it and ask them.

I am sure you have experienced that when you are courting a man early on... there is a kind of silent balancing act that usually takes place... even if both you and he are very interested in each other and feel that intense spark of attraction... if  either one of you get too far ahead... then it is likely to dampen the attraction... what I mean is that simply blurting out something like... 

"I'm tired of dating... and I am  only interested in seeing someone if they're  100% ready to get married and have 2.5 children and live in a house with a white picket fence." 

Is NOT a great way to begin sharing and learning about what you both value and are looking for... women who get that... understand there is a more subtle balance between being outspoken about what they want and allowing the unique connection that you share to evolve on it's own before you put boundaries around it... are the women who men really wanting to "connect" with them.

I want you to be one of those women... I have outlined the reasons above why a man will not call... and I want to expand a bit on that since I know you want to do everything you can to have a great relationship with the right man... communication is obviously very important in relationships... and yet there is a largely unsaid phenomenon that can occur during your early interactions with a man that can result in him  becoming distant... it is something that can end up causing you a lot of pain and frustration... and I  want to help you avoid it... it is what I call the "Instant Relationship."

Resisting The Instant Relationship

Many women... after knowing a man for only a  short while... let themselves get wrapped up in an "Instant Relationship" ... this is when a woman will already be thinking ahead that she is in a relationship with a man... that they will be spending all their weekends together... and that he will not be seeing other women... and this happens when the man has not even talked about a relationship... then the woman gets disappointed when it turns out he is not exclusive with her or is not making plans to see her on Friday.

So, instead of putting all your energy into creating this "Instant Relationship"... focus instead on drawing the man you want in and connecting  with him on an emotional level... this will shift you out of the kind of energy  that will accidentally put distance between you and a man or make you sound strange once you do  talk (men sense this stuff right away). 

Here Is How To Do It

STEP 1... Act from your "best self"

Do you ever catch yourself thinking in a way you can tell is all about some fear or worry you might have about your relationship? 

Everyone does... when this happens... there is usually a kind of "voice" that pops up in your mind when you are worried or afraid of something... when this voice comes up... acknowledge it for what it is... The voice is an expression of some of your own fears or worries... and not the best of you... the voice might be trying to tell you... something it could be helpful to know... yet the voice is rarely right... being aware that the voice is not entirely "you" and is just that.. a voice... makes all the difference in how you live your life and the choices you make in your relationship.

Allowing the voice to speak for you and occupy your thoughts and drive your emotions and feelings will not help you in love and relationships.... especially with men... the voice is not your best or highest "self"... it is a part of you and not all of you... that is why allowing the voice to speak for you is allowing yourself to become an unconscious passenger in your own life.

Do not make the mistake of allowing the voice to lead you... what wise women do... and what you can start to do right now... is to take from the voice some deeper knowledge of yourself and your  feelings... and then let the voice go... observing the voice instead of allowing it to run the show is what can make all the difference for you... and keep you conscious... more loving and connected.

In fact... being aware of the voice but then choosing what to do and say from a deeper place where your your best self can and will completely transform your life for the better... and all it takes is a shift in the way you listen to the voice.

Step 2... Start living the life that would attract a great man.
Lots of women have great lives... and as soon as they meet a guy... they focus too much on giving to him or trying to please him... they will do things like give up friends and hobbies and weekends for a man... only to realize that they "lost themselves" in the relationship.


  • If a man were to simply join you in the things you were doing in your life... would he have a great time? 
  • Would he see you living a happy and full life? 
  • Would he be excited to be with you and do some of the things you are doing? 
Take a moment now to think about this... and then write down three things you can start doing for yourself that will make you more attractive to the kind of man you want to attract.

Step 3... Leave space for him to come to you

If you think calling... texting... emailing...  checking up on him... and buying him little things will make him see what a great catch you are... I am about to save you a lot of time and energy... here is an insight that will turn your love life around for the better... there is one thing that all men love and respond to... and it is one of the most simple ways to leaving a man wanting more... and this one thing is... APPRECIATION.

Men fall in love not when a woman gives... gives... gives to them... it is through the process of having a woman they enjoy giving to... so if you are worried that a man will think you are not interested in him if you do not do the things above... here is what you need to know.... all you need to do is show a man appreciation.

Appreciation to men is what affection and reassurance are to women.

Let us say you have had a great "meet up" with a man and you definitely want him to ask you out again... all you have to do at the end of the "meet up" is  thank him and let him know you had a great time with him... and to express genuine appreciation without any "hook" or conditions to it. 

That is the way that appreciation sinks into a man's mind and lets him know a woman is special... and  gets him thinking about her again right away... when you do this... I guarantee the right man will want to be with you... and will open up... wanting you to be part of HIS WORLD!

As always... leave a man or woman all the better for knowing you. 

Average men and women know only the rules. 

Masculine Men and Feminine Women know and are the EXCEPTIONS!

They are truly Passionate and DYNAMIC Lovers!

Yours Sincerely

Ange Fonce


Have you ever had a man flirt with you, tell you that you are "amazing" and "special" and when you started responding to him or having feelings for him, he suddenly pulled away for NO GOOD REASON?

Why do men do this to you?

Why do they start out hot and then get distant and shut down without telling you why or even wanting to TALK ABOUT IT WITH YOU?

Is there a man you are interested in and attracted to that ACTS like he is interested in you, and he has not asked you out yet?

You see him at work, ...

Continue reading ...

What does it mean when a man says he needs some space?

What is he really thinking or feeling when he zones out in front of the TV or computer and acts like he does not want to talk to you?

More importantly, how do YOU react when this happens, and what do you say to him?

There is an important reason why a man will tell you he needs space... and understanding that can mean the difference between him feeling like you really "get" him, or him doubting your relationship.

Now get ready to learn why mos...

Continue reading ...

He is Attracted to You. 
But How do you Attract him to want a Committed Relationship with You
If you'd like to know the real reasons why so many men who never thought they'd want or need a committed relationship couldn't help themselves when it came to the right woman...

And you'd like to make it easy for your man to know that being with you is much, much better than ever being apart - without convincing, arguing, or other unnecessary stress - then you need to read this:


What I'm going to sh...

Continue reading ...

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